Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Seventeen

DAY SEVENTEEN of Whole Living's 28-Day Challenge
What I Ate?
Green Smoothie
Apple with peanut butter
Vegan "chicken" patty sandwich with one slice tomato, sprouts, hummus, and 1/4 avocado on whole-grain bread
Ginger Smoothie (make it vegan by using agave nectar)
Small salad (greens, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, sunflower seeds, oil & vinegar) with soy yogurt

Detox Your Bod: Lower Body, Cardio, Walk for 5 Min., Run for 10 Min.
Um ok, so I didn't exactly work out today. Why? I was lazy. Plain and simple. I just didn't want to. I will not accept this as a setback though. Tomorrow, I will work out.

Detox Your Mind: Visualize Passionate Productivity
This one was fun. I'm a photographer...who's had her degree since August and I'm still waiting tables. Honestly, I'm terrified of applying for a photography position for fear of rejection. I need to be visualizing myself in photography. I need to gain the courage to go out there and apply for a job in the field I love.


  1. im very intrigued by this whole living 28 day challenge--how have you liked it?!

  2. I have really enjoyed it! It's really forced me to learn to discipline myself. I would reccomend itto anyone.
